
Privacy Policy

1. Protecting users' personal information is a fundamental principle of the company. The company collects and uses personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and adheres to the principles of legality, fairness, and necessity for the collection and use of personal information. Before using the " PicEasy " software and related services, please read carefully and thoroughly understand this privacy policy. The company may collect and use your relevant information. Once you choose to use the " PicEasy " software and related services, it means I agree that the company collects, saves, uses, shares, discloses, and protects your information in accordance with this privacy policy.

2. Information that this platform may collect:

You may provide information When you register on this platform or use the services provided by this platform, some personal information you provide to this platform, such as email Birthday, birthplace, gender,personal phone number; network identification information (including system account, IP address, e-mail address); personal property information (account balance, account changes, withdrawal status, etc.); communication information; personal Internet records and Log information; equipment information; location information. In general, you can browse and modify the information you submit at any time, but for security and identification (such as number appeal service) considerations, you may not be able to change the initial registration information and other verification information provided during registration.

2) Information that the company may collect

a) Log information.

When you use the services provided by the company, the company may automatically collect some log information that has nothing to do with your personal identity through cookies, web beacons, or other methods. This information includes:

1) Device or application information, such as the configuration information provided by the hardware device you use, web browser or other programs used to access the services of this platform, your IP address, and the hardware device information you use Version and device identification code, etc.;

2) Internet records, such as your search records, browsing histories, click records, etc.

b) Location information.

When you use the service provided by this platform through a mobile device with a positioning function, the system will collect your geographic location information through GPS or WiFi. You can stop the collection of your geographic location information by turning off the positioning function..

2.1 How the company may use the information

The company may collect information such as the use of:

1) Provide you with services;

2) Help the design, optimization, and upgrade of products and services of this platform;

3) Provide you with personalized services, such as showing and pushing content and advertisements that are more relevant to you;

4) Used for identity verification, security precautions, archiving, and backup to ensure service security.

2.2 Information protection

The company will use various security technologies and procedures to establish a sound management system to protect your personal information.

2.3 Principles of Reasonable Use and Disclosure of Information

The company will not transfer or disclose your personal information to any unaffiliated third party unless:

1) Obtain your explicit authorization in advance;

2) Relevant laws and regulations or requirements of courts and government agencies;

3) To accomplish together and, split, acquisition or transfer of assets transferred, but the company will require a new hold your personal information to companies, organizations continue to be bound by this privacy policy, otherwise they have the right to require the company, organization Re-obtain your authorization consent;

4) Within the scope permitted by laws and regulations, it is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of other users of " PicEasy ", the company and its affiliates, control the company’s life, property and other legal rights or rights protection products or services, such as search, Prevent and deal with illegal activities such as fraud and reduce credit risk;

5) The company files lawsuits or arbitrations against users in order to protect legal rights and interests;

6) For the purpose of safeguarding public interest or academic research;

7) Or other situations that are necessary to provide the service you requested or stipulated by laws and regulations. As references to raise this platform service quality and provide you with services related to all of the features, this platform may jointly offer relevant services to users through affiliates and cooperation with third parties; such cooperation may need this platform to share necessary information. Still, this platform will require it to ensure data security and prohibit its use for any other purpose.

Please note that when you use related products or services, the company will not let you provide any property accounts, debit cards, credit cards, and corresponding passwords, etc. Please do not disclose your various property accounts important information such as bank cards, credit cards, third-party payment accounts, and related passwords. Otherwise, any losses caused by this will be borne by you. You should not publish, upload or spread personal information through " PicEasy. "

3, User publishing content specification

3.1 The content mentioned in this article refers to any content transmitted, uploaded, and shared by users in the process of using " PicEasy, "including but not limited to account avatars, names, user descriptions, and other registration information and authentication materials, or text, voice, and pictures Sending, replying or automatically replying to messages and related linked pages, and other content generated by using the account or the service.

3.2 Users shall not use the " PicEasy " account or this service to spread the content prohibited by the following laws, regulations and policies:

1) Oppose the basic principles established by the Constitution.

2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

3) Damage to national honor and interests;

4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;

5) Undermine national religious policies and promote cults and feudal superstition;

6) Spread rumors, disrupt social order, and undermine social stability;

7) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror, or abetting crime;

8) Insult or slander others infringe on the legal rights of others;

9) Information containing other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

3.3 Users shall not use the " PicEasy " account or this service to spread the following content that interferes with the regular operation of " PicEasy " or infringes the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties:

1) Contains any sexual or suggestive;

2) Contains abusive, intimidating, or threatening content;

3) Containing harassment, spam advertisements, malicious information, or deceptive information;

4) Involving the privacy, personal information, or data of others;

5) Infringe upon the legal rights and interests of others such as reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, and trade secrets;

6) Contain other information that interferes with the regular operation and infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.

3.4 If the company finds or receives reports or complaints from others that the user violates the provisions of this agreement, the company has the right to review and delete the relevant content, including but not limited to user information, posting records, and to account for violations based on the severity of the circumstances. Penalties, including but not limited to warnings, account bans, device bans, and function bans, are imposed, and users are notified of the processing results.

3.5 Users who are banned for violating the user agreement can contact the company on their own. Among them, users who have been banned by the function will automatically restore the banned function after the ban period expires. The blocked user can submit an appeal, and the company will review the appeal and make a reasonable judgment on its own to decide whether to change the punishment measures.

3.6 The user understands and agrees that the company has the right to penalize violations of relevant laws and regulations of this agreement based on reasonable judgments, take appropriate legal actions against any user who violates laws and regulations, and save relevant information in accordance with laws and regulations to report to relevant departments, etc. The user shall bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom.

3.7 The user understands and agrees that for any claims, requirements, or losses claimed by any third party, including reasonable attorney fees, caused or generated by the user's violation of this agreement, the user shall compensate the company, cooperative companies, and affiliated companies, and exempt them from Damaged.

4.Provide services based on APP

The company relies on the " PicEasy " software to provide services to you, and you should also abide by the following agreements:

4.2 When you use the "PicEasy" software and related services, you can obtain the "PicEasy" client application through pre-installation, download from a third-party authorized by the company, or visit the PicEasy official website and other related websites. The company cannot guarantee that the unofficial version of the "PicEasy" software can be used generally if a third party of the company obtains the software. The loss you suffer as a result has nothing to do with the company. 4.3 To improve the user experience, ensure the service's security, and the consistency of product functions, the company may update the software. You should update the relevant software to the latest version; otherwise, it does not guarantee its regular use. You have the right to choose to accept the updated version or service. Some functions will be restricted if you do not accept it, or you cannot continue to use it. If you no longer need to use the "PicEasy" software and related services, you can uninstall it yourself.

4.4 Unless the company has written permission, you may not engage in any of the following actions:

1) Delete the copyright information on the software and its copies;

2) Reverse engineering, reverse assembly, reverse compilation of the software, or try to find the source code of the software in other ways;

3) Use, rent, lend, copy, modify, link, reprint, compile, publish, publish, establish mirror sites, etc. of the company's intellectual property content ;

4) Copy, modify, add, delete, and link data released into the memory of any terminal during software or software operation, interaction data between client and server during software operation, and system data necessary for software operation Run or create any derivative works, including but not limited to using plug-ins, plug-ins, or third-party tools/services not authorized by the company to access software and related systems;

5) by modifying or counterfeit software running instructions, data, additions, deletions, changes in work software can run or effect, or software for the aforementioned use, or method of operating communication to the public, regardless of whether these actions Business purpose

6) opened by non-company issued, authorized third-party software, plug, plug, system, or log in using the company's software and services, or create, publish, transmit non-developed, authorized third-party software, plug-ins, plug-in system.

5. Intellectual Property Policy

The " PicEasy " mobile client provides information network storage space for uploading and disseminating works according to the instructions of users (including users of other platforms developed and released by the company) and recommends new software for users with customized information based on data mining technology. The company attaches great importance to the protection of copyright and other intellectual property rights. To protect the legal rights of relevant rights holders, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the company has formulated the following intellectual property policies:

5.1 Any unit or individual who believes that the content of " PicEasy " or any service of the company and its affiliates may be suspected of infringing on its intellectual property rights or information network dissemination rights should promptly submit written materials the company to notify the complaint. The company receives a third party. When complaining about users' works, they have the right to disconnect related links immediately or delete suspected infringing works without notifying users.

5.2 The company has the right to take necessary technical measures to prohibit users from uploading suspected infringing works.

5.3 Unless otherwise stated, the copyright, patent rights, and other intellectual property rights of the software on which the company provides this service belong to the company.

5.4 "companies in this service used K iVideo " of commercial logos, copyright or trademark rights belong to the company.

5.5 The intellectual property rights of the above and any other content contained in this service are protected by law. Without the company's written permission, user, or related right holder, no one may use or create related derivative works in any form.

6. User sending, dissemination, and usage rules

6.1 Any content transmitted or published by users in or through this service does not reflect or represent, nor should it be deemed to reflect or represent the company's views, positions or policies, and the company does not assume any responsibility for this.

6.2 Users shall not use this service to perform the following actions:

1) Submit or publish false information, or embezzle other people's avatars or materials, impersonate or use other people's names;

2) Force and induce other users to follow, click on the linked page or share information;

3) Fictional facts and concealing the truth to mislead and deceive others;

4) Use technical means to establish fake accounts in batches;

5) Use " PicEasy " account or this service to engage in any illegal and criminal activities;

6) Make and publish methods and tools related to the above behaviors, or operate or disseminate such methods and tools, regardless of whether these behaviors are for commercial purposes;

6.1 Other acts that violate laws and regulations, infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of other users, interfere with the normal operation of " PicEasy ", or the company has not expressly authorized behavior.

6.2 The user shall be fully responsible for the authenticity, legality, harmlessness, accuracy, validity, etc. of the information (including but not limited to webpages, text, pictures, audio, video, charts, etc.) transmitted using this service, and shall be Any legal responsibilities related to the disseminated information shall be borne by the users themselves and have nothing to do with the company. If it causes damage to the company or third parties, the user should be according to the law to compensation.

6.3 The content you send or disseminate should have a legal source, and the relevant content belongs to you or you have obtained the authorization of the right holder.

6.4 When you use this service, you must not violate national laws and regulations or infringe others' legal rights. You understand and agree that if you are complained of infringement by others, or you complain about infringement by others, the company has the right to provide the necessary information such as the subject, contact information, and content of the complaint to other parties or related departments to resolve the complaint in a timely manner Disputes, protect the legitimate rights and interests of others.

6.5 The services provided by the company may include advertisements, and the user agrees to display advertisements provided by the company, third-party suppliers, and partners during use. Except as clearly stipulated by laws and regulations, users shall be responsible for the transactions conducted by the advertisement, and the company shall not bear any responsibility for the losses or damages suffered by the users due to the transaction based on the advertisement information or the content provided by the aforementioned advertisers.

6.6 Users shall not conduct domain name hijacking, malicious redirection, malicious swiping, cheating, etc., on the links or promotional content involved in the company’s services. Otherwise, the company has the right to immediately deduct the corresponding portion of the income that should be obtained, thus causing losses to the company. The loss shall be fully compensated.6.8 The company has the right to decide or adjust the upper limit of the total daily income of all users, reward conditions and reward methods according to business strategies and other issues.

7. Compliance with local laws and regulations

7.1 You should abide by relevant local laws and regulations while using this service and respect local ethics and customs. If you are in violation of local laws, regulations, or ethical wind vulgar, you should assume responsibility for it independently.

7.2 You should avoid using this service to involve the company in political and public events; otherwise, the company has the right to suspend or terminate the service to you.

8. Breach of contract

8.1 In response to your violation of this agreement or other terms of service, the company has the right to independently judge and take pre-warning, refusal to publish, immediately stop transmitting information, delete, short-term ban, restrict part or all of the account's functions until the account is permanently closed, etc. Measures. The company has the right to announce the results of the treatment, and has the right to decide whether to resume use according to the actual situation. Relevant records will be kept for suspected violations of laws and regulations or suspected crimes, and report to and cooperate with relevant competent authorities in accordance with the law.

8.2 your violation of this Agreement or his terms of service, caused by a third-party complaint or lawsuit claims, you should bear full legal responsibility. If your illegal or breach of contract causes the company, its affiliates, and controlling companies to compensate any third party or be punished by the state agency, you should also fully compensate the company, its affiliates, and controlling companies for all losses suffered as a result.

8.3 If you violate this Agreement or other terms of service and cause the company to assume liability to any third party, the company has the right to recover the full amount from the user after assuming the said liability. The resulting reasonable costs include but are not limited to attorney fees, Notarization fees, appraisal fees, travel expenses, litigation fees, etc., which are also borne by the user.

8.4 The company respects and protects legal persons and citizens' legal rights, such as intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, and privacy rights. You warrant that the text, pictures, videos, audios, links, etc., uploaded when using related services do not infringe any third party's intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, privacy rights, and other rights and legal rights. Otherwise, the company has the right to remove the allegedly infringing content upon receiving notice from the right party or related parties. You shall bear all legal liabilities for all claims made by third parties; if your infringement has caused losses to the company, its affiliates, and controlling companies (including losses of economics, goodwill, etc.), you shall also pay in full Compensation for all losses suffered by the company and its affiliates and controlling companies. Nine, force majeure and other exemptions

9.1 You understand and agree that you may encounter force majeure and other risk factors in the process of using this service, which will cause the service to be interrupted. No force majeure refers to unforeseeable, insurmountable and can not be avoided and the objective events significant impact on one or both parties, including, but not limited to, natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, pestilence, and storms as well as social events such as war, riot, government Behavior, hacker attacks, program crashes, etc. When the above situation occurs, the company will try to cooperate with the relevant units for the first time and repair it in a timely manner. Still, the company will be exempt from liability within the scope permitted by law for the losses caused to you.

9.2 To the extent permitted by law, the company shall not be liable for service interruption or obstruction caused by the following circumstances:

1) Damaged by computer viruses, Trojan horses or other malicious programs, hacker attacks;

2) The user's or company's computer software, system, hardware and communication lines fail;

3) Improper user operation;

4) The user uses this service in a way not authorized by the company;

5) Situations beyond the control or reasonably foreseeable by other companies.

9.3 You understand and agree that in the process of using this service, you may encounter risks caused by network information or other user behaviors. The company is not responsible for the authenticity, applicability, or legality of any information, nor is it responsible for infringements. Responsible for the damage caused to you. These risks include but are not limited to:

1) Anonymous or pseudonymous information from others that contains threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal content;

2) As a result of using the services under this agreement, suffering from misleading, deceiving or otherwise causing or possible any psychological, physical harm and economic loss;

3) other factors believed network risk arising from acts or user information.

9.4 You understand and agree that this service is not designed for certain specific purposes, including but not limited to nuclear facilities, military use, medical facilities, transportation and communication, and other important fields. The company shall not bear legal responsibility if the above operation fails due to software or services and causes casualties, property losses, and environmental damage.

9.5 The company obtains the right to deal with illegal content in accordance with this agreement. This right does not constitute an obligation or promise of the company, and the company cannot guarantee the timely detection of illegal activities or corresponding treatment.

9.6 Under any circumstances, you should not be gullible about borrowing money, asking for passwords or other network information involving property. If property operations are involved, please verify the identity of the other party first, and always pay attention to the company 's tips on preventing fraud.

X. Service change, interruption, and termination

10.1 You understand and agree that in using this service, you may encounter risk factors such as force majeure, which will cause the service to be interrupted. Force majeure refers to an objective event that cannot be foreseen, overcome, and cannot be avoided, and has a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not long-term natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics and storms, and social events such as wars, turmoil, government actions, Hacking attacks, program crashes, etc. When the above situation occurs, the company will try its best to cooperate with relevant units for the first time and repair it in a timely manner. Still, the company will be exempt from liability within the scope permitted by law for the losses that may be caused to you.

10.2 You understand and agree that companies need to service the whole operation, have the right to modify the notice after the announcement, interruption, suspension, or termination of related services, without having to apply responsible or liable for any user what liability.

11. Jurisdiction and application of the law

11.1 The establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation, and dispute resolution of this Agreement shall be governed by local laws (excluding conflict of laws).

11.2 If any dispute or controversy occurs between you and the company, it should first be settled through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute or dispute to the local court where the dispute is under this Agreement (i.e., the Cayman Islands).

11.3 The headings of all the terms of this Agreement are for reading convenience only. They have no actual meaning and cannot be used as the basis for interpreting the meaning of this Agreement.

11.4 the terms of this Agreement for whatever reason, partially invalid or not enforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and binding on both parties.

11.5 Dear users, using Piceasy may use your face data for image processing. Our products will not collect your face information.

11.6 Piceasy use of face information statement

1.- What face data is your app collecting?

Answer:Piceasy is essentially a picture editing and picture special effects software. After the user uploads the picture, it returns the processed picture according to the user's request. Piceasy itself does not require users to upload any face data. The image data comes from photos uploaded by users when editing.

2.- For what purposes are you collecting this information? Please provide a complete and clear explanation of all planned uses of this data.

Answer:As mentioned above, Piceasy is essentially a picture editing and picture special effects software. We will not collect any user face information. Piceasy performs background editing and processing according to the pictures uploaded by the user in order to achieve the expected effect of the user. After the user saves the picture, the data will be deleted. The picture data is only used for temporary processing and the server will not save the face data uploaded by the user.

3.- Will the data be shared with any third parties? Where will this information be stored?

Answer:Piceasy will not share data with any third party. The pictures uploaded by users will be temporarily stored in the application's own server. After the user completes the editing operation, the server will regularly process the picture data uploaded by the user.

4.- Which are the relevant sections of your privacy policy that explain collection, use, disclosure, sharing, and retention of face data?

Answer:Our user terms and privacy statement have been updated, the updated content details tell users how we will use the data

11.7 Personal information protection policy

We attach great importance to the protection of your personal information. We are also committed to maintaining your trust in us. We are committed to adopting corresponding security protection measures to protect your personal information in accordance with the generally applicable security standards in the industry. The entire process of installing, opening, browsing, using and logging off (hereinafter collectively referred to as "use") PicEasy is applicable to this policy.

In order to realize the following product functions and/or services, we may need to collect corresponding personal information from you. If you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use these specific services.

1.customer service. When you file a complaint, make a consultation or appeal, in order to facilitate contact with you or help you solve the problem, we may need you to provide personal information such as email and other effective contact information. If you refuse to provide the above information, we may not be able to provide you with timely feedback on the relevant processing results.

2.Maintain product safety and troubleshoot in time. In order to maintain the normal operation of our services, and protect your account security, troubleshoot product failures, improve and optimize our services, we will collect your data, device identification information, device model information, login IP address, and operation log information. This type of information is information that must be collected in order to provide services. It will be de-identified after it is collected and will not be used to identify any specific user. In order to ensure the effect of face image processing, our service may use the calculation results of the depth-related information of the face mapping in the application program interface. During this period, we will neither use the calculation results for other purposes nor record them. To capture any data in the file or upload data to the server for the purpose of collecting your face mapping depth in other ways.

3.Ensure account security. When you are using password modification, security verification, or appeal behavior, and the operation behavior is abnormal, we may ask you to provide valid identification information to ensure the security of the above operation behavior.

4.When you use image beautification and portrait beauty functions, we will collect rough indirect image features that do not identify any specific individual (such as large categories: landscape, food, portrait, etc.) and perform image feature analysis through algorithms to help you choose more accurate Filters, special effects, etc.

5.Face Recognition,In order to provide the Services, apart from utilizing metadata as mentioned above, we use face recognition technology to recognize faces in photos and camera experiences. We may detect and use facial marks to provide face recognition contents and facial manipulation features. Our Services may utilize calculation results of and face API from in relation to depth of facial mapping information, which may require to use your facial recognition features in order to ensure the face image processing effect and perform feature analysis using the algorithm. The information we collect cannot be used for identifying a specific person, and is used to provide the mentioned features only. When the content recommendation is finished or upon the closing of the application, the facial mapping information is discarded. These information is not shared with any third parties.We will neither use the results for other purposes, nor capture any data in the file nor upload data to the server for recording purposes.

6.Information Collected by Third Party Services,Our Services provided to you may contain our service provider’s Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) or Software Development Kits (SDKs), which may have tracking tools of such service providers. These third parties may use cookies, APIs and SDKs on our Services and collect and analyze user information.

7.INFORMATION SECURITY,We will take reasonable measures to prevent the loss, improper use of, unauthorized access to or disclosure of information. For example, some of our Services will use encryption techniques (such as SSL) to protect your personal information. However, you understand and accept that (in the Internet industry) even though we take reasonable security measures, we cannot always guarantee that your information is 100% secure. You understand and accept that we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you provide to us. We do not accept liability for unintentional disclosure. Further, you understand and accept that the system and communication network used by you to access our Services may fail due to factors beyond our control.

Please read this agreement carefully before using this software. You should abide by local laws. If you use this software to do illegal acts, Easy4U Studio will not be held responsible.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our use of your information collected through the Services, please contact us at jxwl2020@gmail.com